How is this service at no cost to me?
Star Energy's Enhanced HVAC Tune-up services are paid in full by Dominion Energy with funds from the VA Energy Efficiency incentive program. Enacted in 2006, Virginia's Energy Efficiency program was created with the mantra ENERGY EFFICIENCY AS A LEAST-RISK,
LOWEST-COST RESOURCE. The initial goals were to gain a 25% increase over 10 years in the efficiency of both commercial and residential consumption. The funds are aggregated through a tax on every Dominion utility bill.
How much disruption will there be to me the property manager and/or my tenants?
Normally tenants are not at all disturbed while the work is being done, although we do notify them in advance of the plan and when the service is to be done. Because the work is done on the property's roof, we only rarely need to access to the interior of the building.
As the property manager, do I need to have any of my employees accompany the Star Energy technicians?
Does Star Energy use subcontractors?
No, Star Energy only uses our own highly skilled and dedicated HVAC technicians. Each team has at least one certified HVAC technician either supervising or performing the work.
What about tenants that already have existing contracts for their HVAC maintenance?
Most leases require tenants to have the HVAC units regularly serviced, but unfortunately, most tenants do not bother to have such contracts in place or pay for any routine maintenance services. Having Star Energy engaged not only helps lower energy costs for the tenant but it extends the life of the HVAC system for the property manager. When the tenant is bound by an existing agreement with an HVAC contractor, Star Energy can be used as a no cost, 3rd party auditor/validator, and will provide tenants and property managers with a comprehensive report that includes the make, model, serial number, age, condition and any technician's recommendations for each HVAC unit serviced.
Is Star Energy insured?
Yes - all contractors must be fully insured and fully compliant with all the requirements associated with being a certified, approved participating service provider under the Dominion Energy Program.
No. Although Star Energy will accommodate any property manager's requests to have their maintenance technicians accompany the Star Energy technicians for an initial demonstration.